Search Results: Programs in Aviation Science
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Piedmont Baptist College and Graduate School
- Type of SchoolPrivate, not-for-profit
4-year or Above
- Total Enrollment368 students
(264 undergraduate)
- Percentage of
Applicants Admitted
- Tuition$10,750 (In-State)
$10,750 (Out-of-State)
- Average Financial
Aid Package$4,647
Elizabeth City State University
- Type of SchoolPublic
4-year or Above
- Total Enrollment3,105 students
(3,021 undergraduate)
- Percentage of
Applicants Admitted80%
- Tuition$2,922 (In-State)
$11,936 (Out-of-State)
- Average Financial
Aid Package$7,060
Hampton University
- Type of SchoolPrivate, not-for-profit
4-year or Above
- Total Enrollment students
(4,700 undergraduate)
- Percentage of
Applicants Admitted45%
- Tuition$16,392 (In-State)
$16,392 (Out-of-State)
- Average Financial
Aid Package$4,946
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
- Type of SchoolPublic
4-year or Above
- Total Enrollment4,192 students
(3,815 undergraduate)
- Percentage of
Applicants Admitted63%
- Tuition$6,042 (In-State)
$12,830 (Out-of-State)
- Average Financial
Aid Package$5,614
Middle Georgia College
- Type of SchoolPublic
4-year or Above
- Total Enrollment3,438 students
(3,434 undergraduate)
- Percentage of
Applicants Admitted87%
- Tuition$2,368 (In-State)
$8,350 (Out-of-State)
- Average Financial
Aid Package$3,632
American Public University System
- Type of SchoolPrivate, for-profit
4-year or Above
- Total Enrollment20,676 students
(16,677 undergraduate)
- Percentage of
Applicants Admitted
- Tuition$6,000 (In-State)
$6,000 (Out-of-State)
- Average Financial
Aid Package$3,080
The Community College of Baltimore County
- Type of SchoolPublic
- Total Enrollment20,673 students
(20,673 undergraduate)
- Percentage of
Applicants Admitted
- Tuition$4,871 (In-State)
$7,132 (Out-of-State)
- Average Financial
Aid Package$3,347
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Results per page:
San Diego Christian College
El Cajon,
miles from
- Type of SchoolPrivate, not-for-profit
4-year or Above
- Total Enrollment407 students
(396 undergraduate)
- Percentage of
Applicants Admitted55%
- Tuition$20,980 (In-State)
$20,980 (Out-of-State)
- Average Financial
Aid Package$9,238
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Sources: Google Maps, The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Wikipedia,
Yahoo! Answers